Yet another consecutive record turnout… 116 swimmers!!!

Biggest day ever… 116 swimmers!!! And an awesome day, 68F and flat as a pool!

Darren and I were laughing at the swim yesterday.  I told him we had a record turnout of 116 swimmers.  To which we both laughed.  “Only about 100 swimmers more than what a good turnout, just a few years ago!”

Then there was the “swimmer to water temp ratio” that we used for a few years.  We always thought it was a huge day if we had more swimmers than degrees in Fahrenheit!  ie) 61 swimmers to 60F would be a pretty amazing turn out!  Well, we’ve kinda blown that measurement out of the water (little pun there), I’m happy that the water wasn’t 116F yesterday!

But it’s awesome.  It is so great to see so many new people and returning people… it’s been a while Victor!  The last time he was out was probably when we were excited to have 16 swimmers.

Not that the weather has that much to do with the big turnout, as we saw with 80-90 swimmers out when the water was 44F.  But it’s not that surprising that we got a few more now that we’ve turned the corner and the warmer water is here… but I’m still surprised.

Yesterday was great.  Flat water and very overcast, in fact the rain was even good enough to hold off until we were done.  Very sporting of it.

The two great new additions this week were the plug in and the pad.  It may not seem like much (and it isn’t), but it is progress!

I had to laugh.  Cam said “Wow, you must have a lot of pull with the Town to get them to put the pad in that fast!”  Meaning that since I announced we were getting it until now was only a couple of weeks.  Which would be impressive if it was true.  It took a couple of years.

Now that I got everyone all worked up and excited about helping out to build the shed… we have to delay it a bit.  The cement wasn’t quite cured to drill the lag bolts in it yet.  And the Town has said that for liability reasons they would rather have us build it offsite and just assemble it onsite.  But maybe we can paint it as a group!  We’ll build it at my house, hopefully sometime this week.  The material is sitting in my front yard (Joanne loves that!).  I’ll keep you posted.

So that’s about it.

PS.  If you haven’t come out for coffee yet with the whole gang… make sure you do!  That’s how you get to know everyone.

And good job to Sean and the Feet of Fury gang who headed out for a good run after the swim!

