3 upcoming races… and swimming in “Scooby Doo Lake”!

swimming in "Scooby Doo Lake"... spooooky!
swimming in “Scooby Doo Lake”… ooh… spooooky!

Okay, let me start by saying “yes, the water if finally warm!”  So much so that we had a big of fog, making it look kid of spoooky… kind of like Scooby Doo Lake, as Darren coined it!

Fannie and Darren... finishing their sunrise swim... flat as pool water and crystal clear!
Fannie and Darren… finishing their sunrise swim… flat as pool water and crystal clear!
Rob... hard to believe that pic was taken at the exact same spot as the one above of Fannie and Darren!
me, trying to get into the water!… hard to believe that pic was taken at the exact same spot as the one above of Fannie and Darren!  Always something different!

Remember back in June when everyone was paying their dues, with the rough waves… and  swimming in 50-something degree water… and even endured a roll-over down to a mid-summer record of 45F?!… well, don’t lose your enthusiasm yet… the payoff is here!  We get some gorgeous September swimming!

A few of us went for a nice little swim on Thursday and it was 67F… and rising!  Should be toasty for tomorrow!

And on to other news… three upcoming races!!!

– our buddies at the Tri Club of Burlington (TCoB) are hosting their annual “Pier to Pierswim on Labour Day Monday, Sep 7… pretty casual (& FREE), more just a large group swim than an actual race.  2.4 km…”The Shortest Lake Ontario Crossing!”  Greg says they’d always like to have more kayakers too!

TCoB's Pier to Pier swim!
TCoB’s Pier to Pier swim!

– then there is the Variety Village Open Water Swim in Haliburton the followingSaturday, Sept 12… beautiful swim and lake… and a chance to earn some more GSS points!

Variety Village swim in Haliburton!
Variety Village swim in Haliburton!

– and the last local GSS race, the day after the Variety Village race, Sunday, Sept 13… the Caledon Quarry race!!!  Beautiful facility, they even trucked in new sand for it… and have included a 10k!!!

Caledon Quarry Swim 2!
Caledon Quarry Swim 2!




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