This is peak season… come on out! LOTW: Mauro!


Last weekend was just about perfect.

82 LOSTies!  Enjoying flat, warm(ish) water… 62F/17C.  Okay, it might not quite be warm, but it doesn’t really count as cold.  Right in between.  And if you were wearing a wetsuit then it actually was warm and just about a perfect temp and swim!

We had the buoys set up in a nice bit triangular course.  We had done the hard work of cold water training in the first 3 weeks of June, where the water temp was sub-50F (sub-10C)!  But if you had done that, then your body and mind would be fully acclimatized to make this a spectacular swim.

Thanks to Joanne for volunteering to kayak! We are always open to more kayakers and SUP’s… you can use ours!

When we started the year we had 105 members signed up… and as of last week, we had grown to 181 registered LOSTies… so far!  We’ll see if we can beat the records of the last 2 years… 225 & 226 members!  So if you were waiting for the water to warm up… now’s the time… it looks like we should be in the high 60’s tomorrow… this is PEAK SEASON!

And in other news… we’d like to honour: Mauro as the LOSTie Of The Week!!!

Mauro… amazingly diverse athlete… and volunteer extraordinaire!

Mauro – Lost member – 5 years.
Mauro is one of those guys that you know you have seen somewhere. And you have … either on the trails, roads, pools or in the lake at LOST. He’s also that guy that puts his hand up whenever there is a cause or organization that needs a hand.

Some of the events he’s finished in 2019:

  • Yamacraw 50k Trail Race
  • Ironman Texas
  • Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

And events still to come:

  • North Shore Challenge
  • Barkley Fall Classic (Baby Barkley)

And just a few past events (he’s done hundreds of races over the years!):

  • Swim from Alcatraz to San Fran/5 Miles
  • 5 Great Lakes, in 24 Hours.
  • Chuck Norris 5k ending with a high five from Norris himself!

I asked Mauro what is funniest memory of OWS, and his responds was hysterical “Trying to put on a rented wetsuit for my very first time in a hot sticky and sweaty cottage. The swim was easier.”  He added “The thing about OWS/Running/Triathlon is that the friends and support you receive is amazing. Huge sense of accomplishment.”  He has some pretty cool goals for the future. A 10k marathon swim and maybe even possibly an Ice Mile. Adding in “There, you made me say it!”.

Any advice for the new Losties? Swim parallel to the shore. Give yourself time. Enjoy the moment!

The other thing that should be mentioned, is that in spite of the hundreds of races that Mauro has done… his most notable achievement is his volunteerism.  He probably volunteers as much as he participates!  I honestly don’t think I know anybody that volunteers more than he does.  (maybe a couple other LOSTies…).  He has been a key volunteer for LOST and The LOST Race!

Inspiration is used waaay to much in our world… but he is inspirational in his athletic achievements… and how much he quietly volunteers to help enable others to also achieve their goals.

Thanks Mauro.

Cheers,  Rob & Kat