Welland Canal swims and race!

Hi all,
Scott Gibson, a very strong and enthusiastic OWS from Niagara-on-the-Lake, who also swims LOST Swimming with us once in a while, sent me an email that I thought you might be interested in.  They have a casual group, kind of like ours, that swims in the old canal and are even hosting a race on Aug 8!  Have a look below…
Hey Rob,
You are a brave soul! 56 F – I’ve swam high 50s twice and it still sends shivers down my verterbrae. 
Good luck with the MIMS.
If any of your LOST group are interested, we have a regular group that swims in the Welland Recreational canal. It is the old Welland canal – we swim near where the Welland triathlon is held.
It is a clean, relatively weed free waterway with good landmarks for estimating distance swam.
We typically swim Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:30 PM – with ad hoc weekend swims – we usually start early to mid-June.  If anyone on your group wants to join our e-mail list let me know.
There is a 1k,3k and 5k swim race this summer in Welland (Aug 8th). It is sanctioned MSO event.
My swimming is a bit off this year – managed to muscle out a 1500m LC in about 22:30, about 2:00 off my PB. Need to get my aerobic engine firing again.
Again good luck in NYC
Scott Gibson
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I founded LOST Swimming because I like open water swimming and would like to see it grow and thrive in Lake Ontario. I started as a competitive swimmer as a kid and ended up getting as far as a silver medal at Nationals and going to the Olympic Trials in 1988. But I retired after that, I was sick of swimming. So I got into running marathons and have run over 35 to date, as well as a few ultra marathons, including the Marathon des Sables (7 day, ultra across the Sahara Desert). I also kind of fell into triathlons and have done a handful of Ironman tri's too. This gradually got me back in the water and in 2006 I took the plunge and attempted swimming the English Channel. I didn't quite make it across, but the circle was now complete and after 17 years I was a swimmer again! Although I still do plenty of pool swimming, I now much prefer open water swimming and like to say that open water swimming is to pool swimming, what trail running is to treadmill running! As a result I hope to encourage more people to join me for a dip in Lake Ontario as often as we can!


  1. I am thinking of swimming the 5 k open water in the old welland canal. But I heard that the water is unsanitary and I even heard their are rats in their .Can anyone put some light on this for me thanks

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