Barbados Open Water Swim Festival!


BarbadosSo my new swimming friends in Barbados, Zary and Kristina Evelyn, hosted my oldest swimming friend, Scott Parker, from North Battleford, Saskatchewan!  Scott and I swam for the “North Battleford Kinsmen Beavers” from about 1975 – 1982… wow, he must be getting old!

You see Scott and his wife, Sheila, and 3 kids went down for the 2nd annual Barbados Open Water Swim Festival… and apparently it was awesome!  And yes, all 5 of them competed in the open water races… how cool is that!  Well done Parkers!  They have all kinds of events and distances, 5k, 1.5k, a SUP race, water polo, even a pool swim meet!  I heard from a few other LOSTies who also attended (Mike Scapillato!) and everyone seemed to have a great time.  And why not… it looks great… maybe next year!

Here’s a video clip that Kristina sent me after the Festival and the results:

click here for Results

Keep up the great work Zary and Kristina!!!

Buffalo and Barbados... they both start with a "B"... but that's about where the similarities end!
Buffalo and Barbados… they both start with a “B”… but that’s about where the similarities end!

PS.  Kristina sent me the video and an email about the same time as Buffalo got dumped on with the huge storm… so I sent her this pic… so she’d know what she was missing!




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I founded LOST Swimming because I like open water swimming and would like to see it grow and thrive in Lake Ontario. I started as a competitive swimmer as a kid and ended up getting as far as a silver medal at Nationals and going to the Olympic Trials in 1988. But I retired after that, I was sick of swimming. So I got into running marathons and have run over 35 to date, as well as a few ultra marathons, including the Marathon des Sables (7 day, ultra across the Sahara Desert). I also kind of fell into triathlons and have done a handful of Ironman tri's too. This gradually got me back in the water and in 2006 I took the plunge and attempted swimming the English Channel. I didn't quite make it across, but the circle was now complete and after 17 years I was a swimmer again! Although I still do plenty of pool swimming, I now much prefer open water swimming and like to say that open water swimming is to pool swimming, what trail running is to treadmill running! As a result I hope to encourage more people to join me for a dip in Lake Ontario as often as we can!