A swimming adventure next year… for all of us!!!


As I’ve mentioned, I’m planning on doing a Lake Ontario Crossing next year, 42.2 km from Port Dalhousie to Oakville (the LOST Route)… but I’d like to spice up the training a bit… with some other swims too!

There are a couple of races that I think would be fun and useful in training for my Lake O Crossing… but I also think they would be great races to get a bunch of LOST swimmers to do as well… a whole new adventure!!!  Not unlike the fun trip that 14 athletes + family and friends did at Ironman Canada in August!

Tampa Bay Marathon Swim

The two swims that I am going to do next year are the Swim Around Key West (SAKW) and the Tampa Bay Marathon Swim (TBMS)!!!  These are perfect races to get a bunch of people to go to, as they both can be done as a “solo” or as a “relay”!!!

So if you are up to it they are great solo swims… and if you aren’t quite up to a 20k (SAKW) or 37k (TBMS) solo swim, you can do it as a relay!… and the number of people on the relay is flexible!

I am sure that everyone is the same as me, in that there are all kinds of variable involved in being able to do either or both of these races… other than being able to cover the distance!  Travel budget, kids school, other committments and dates of the races are all things to take into account.  There are actually 2 SAKW races, but for me the Florida Keys Community College SAKW (FKCC SAKW… not to be confused with the regular SAKW!) is the one that works best with my schedule, so I will likely do that one… and Tampa Bay.

FKCC Swim Around Key West

On the other hand, there are lots of things that work really well with these races too!  Relay or solo, beautiful courses, warm water, a great place to take the family and other supporters, cheap airfare (out of Buffalo or Niagara Falls airports)… and it would be great fun to do as a group!!!  I can see it now “The LOST Travellers!  Maybe we can get shirts done up and the whole bit!

Anyway, the details are below, and as you can see both races are still a ways off… which will give you plenty of time to get organized… and train! 

Let me know if you have an interest (you don’t have to sign up just yet!) and we can put everyone together via email to exchange information, etc.  I’m happy to coordinate, but I don’t have time to organize everyone’s itinerary, etc. 

Gary, Jane, Lisa, Bud, Colleen, Kim, Steve, Lynn, Colleen, Jenn, John, Lee, Tyler, Fred, Stacey, Francois, Madhu, Mel, Bill, Shaun, Ben, Jason, Alex, Darren, Tim, Peter, David, Nick, Art, Ted, Juan, Paul, Scott, Curtis, Mike, Gerry, Bud… just to name a few… I’m callin’ you out!  It’ll be great… trust me!!!  (in fact, pretty much all of you could do it… because remember you can do it as a relay!)

Basic info and website:

1) Tampa Bay Marathon Swim

  • 38.4 km
  • April 21, 2012
  • average water temp: 75F / 25C
  • price: solo – $1500, 3 person relay – $1500, 6 person relay – $1800
  • boat and crew provide in entry fee
  • http://www.distancematters.com/

2) FKCC Swim Around Key West

  • 20k  (some tide assist)
  • June 16, 2012
  • cost: solo – $90, 2 relay – $150, 3 relay – $230, 4 relay – $310, 5 relay – $400, 6 relay – $460.
  • must provide your own kayaker (though a limited number of kayakers are available, but feel free to bring a kayaker along!)
  • http://www.fkccswimaroundkeywest.com/

I hope you can join me… who knows, maybe this will become an annual thing!

See the most current list of LOST Travellers going on these trips under the new “LOST TRAVEL TEAM” tab above.




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