Another perfect swim…


Lake O never ceases to amaze… remember way back when… like, last week, when it was a bit chilly… 49F… well, Alex and few of the guys went down for a swim on Thurday night and it was still that cold!  So they weren’t holding out much hope for swimming a day and a half later… but when I got down there Saturday morning and took the temp it was a very balmy 67F!!!  Nice.  That Lake can really change on a dime!

The perfect LOST swim! 67F, flat water and 34 swimmers eager to go!

So we ended up with spectacular swim.  Nice and flat, toasty warm and 34 swimmers!  I think we went for about 50 – 55 minutes or so.  Honestly 67F is just about the perfect temperature, if you are used to swimming without a wetsuit it is really nice, if you are not it is very comfortable too.  In a wetsuit, if the temp gets much over 70F, you can run the risk of over-heating.  This was perfect. 

We’ll try and stretch it out a bit longer next week if we still have the good weather and water temp!  Got to take advantage of it while it’s here! 

It was good to see a few newbies out for the first time… and just some “newer” faces, as well as lots of old vets!

See you next week, we should be good for a while, I don’t expect another roll over for a while, which means the water will be great!  See you soon!

PS.  A few people were asking about the LOST T-shirts ($15), I’ll have them in the Jeep next week if you are so inclined!

