Just another great swim…

July 19, 2011... 34 LOST swimmers and 65F... a very nice swim! (click to enlarge)

… so the Lake had rolled over again a couple of days earlier, but the rolls tend to be less severe and not last as long as the first one of the season… which is how the Lake as a whole gets warmer over the season.  But by Saturday… it was beautiful!  It was 65F / 18C.  And because we never get the same wave conditions twice… we had something different today too!  There was virtually no wind to speak of… but we had a strong current.  This is more evidence of the rolling of the Lake.  The waves are usually from the wind, but when you get a big body of water moving in a convection cycle, like we just had, you don’t need wind to keep it moving, it creates it’s own current.  And as a result we had a fairly strong on-shore current, which shifted slightly so that it was coming from behind us on the way back… a nice down hill swim coming home!

We had, what is becoming the standard size group out for this year, 34 swimmers!  Great to see some new faces each week and many returning swimmers too! 

The Sunrisers group started extra early and got a 3 hour swim in!  Darren, Chris and Melanie (naked, of course!) did the double LOST Race route… 3.8 km x 2 = 7.6 km!  Not too shabby at all!  Darren hugged the shoreline all the way back and Bill guided Mel in, I swam out and guided Chris back… I think Chris learned first hand what “bonking” feels like when swimming!  Remember, you wouldn’t do a 3 hour run or bike with no additional nutrition… and you need it for swimming too!  (Hats off to Ron and Tim who both got a solid 2 hour swim in as well… Ironman Canada is looking good!)

Anyway, another great swim and we’re less than a month away from the 4th Annual LOST Race!!!  So mark Aug 13th on your calendars if you haven’t already!

See you next week… with the way the heat has been this week, it’s going to be toasty warm come Saturday!

