LOST Swimming: July 4… just about the perfect swim!

57 swimmers, 62F... and flat as a board!  Perfect.
57 swimmers, 62F… and flat as a board! Perfect.

It really was pretty close to perfect.  The water was 62F/16C… which nobody complained about… even the ‘naked’ swimmers!  (although I’ll give you that there was a bit of shivering from some of them!  It was also flat as pool water and the air temp was even nice.  It is amazing how getting out after a swim in 62F water is a whole lot more comfortable when the sun is shining and warm (sorry, that wasn’t a dig at our friends in Dover, England that get this, haha!).

Mike Morton, the King of the Kayakers!... the only guy I hope never learns to love swimming!
Mike Morton, the King of the Kayakers!… the only guy I hope never learns to love swimming!

By my count we had 57 swimmers… everyone had fun.  We probably went for between 45-60 minutes and Mike and Gary in the kayaks and Remi on the SUP had the course set up in a 500m loop.  It really was just nice to stretch it out and glide along.

Let's just say the group pic above the water turned out better than the one below!
Let’s just say the group pic above the water turned out better than the one below!

P7030062 Unlike last week when we had all the visitors from Boston and Virginia, and Adventure TV stars, there was nothing special about this swim… except how nice it was.

Also, for those who don’t usually come for coffee after at Bean There, I must say you are missing part of the LOST Swimming experience!  Make a point of coming, even if you don’t know anyone… especially if you don’t know anyone!  That’s where you get to meet all kinds of very interesting people!  Where else could you have coffee with people who have swum across Lake Ontario, or the English Channel, or around Manhattan and Key West and hundred other cool things!  Besides, what good are the cool experiences if you can’t share them with people!

Good thing Adrian was injured... he made a much better photographer than me!
Good thing Adrian was injured… he made a much better photographer than me!

Oh wait, after I just said there were no people from far away… I remembered we got Gabriel from Colombia this week!  He had heard of LOST Swimming and moved to Hamilton… and took a bus and train and a walk just so swim with us!  Now that’s commitment!P7030026 P7030041

See you next week!

Oh, one more thing… if you haven’t already, check out the Global Swim Series website and please “Like” us on the Facebook page!  (if you haven’t already!)  There are a couple of good write ups about the recent races in Lake Erie, Kelso and Ireland!  (they swam around a castle in Ireland!)



Who ever said I can't keep my mouth shut...
Who ever said I can’t keep my mouth shut…