Love, Passion and Exotic Adventures In The Open Water


… and in case the tattoo story from the post below this one, also from Steve Munatones’ Open Water Source, isn’t your bag… here’s some light reading you can do over the winter… or something to read while you are getting your tattoo!

PS.  I let them use my picture in this one too!  😉



Open water swimming is considered to be a sport that is 80% mental.

And Sabrina Devonshire stimulates the mental part of readers like few others in her new open water-centric book, The Open Water Swimmer.

In the exotic erotic adventure novel where a hunky swimmer plays a central role, the life-long swimmer who doubles as a romance novelist writes, “The starting gun sounded and Jeff sprinted into the ocean, kicking water everywhere until the density of the water overcame him and it was more efficient to swim than run. A fingernail jabbed his calf. A toe struck his face, partially filling his goggles with water. He slapped arms with another swimmer on a recovery. Jeff plowed through the water with all the gusto he could muster to break away from the mass…”

The Arizona resident explains that her romantic suspense novel “is an entertaining way to learn about the sport.”

To learn more, visit here.

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