Incredibly… the warmest swim of the year will be tomorrow!!!


So we aren’t done yet!

The weather tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful with a high of 31C (feels like)!  But as we all know, that has nothing to do with water temperature.  But incredibly the water temp is supposed to be over 70F/20C tomorrow!

Last week we had a malware attack that shut down our mailchimp distribution, so I wasn’t able to send out an email saying that LOST Swimming was still on.  So I was quite surprised when I got there and we still had a great turnout… I figured people would be winding it down.  The season usually comes to a natural death and just wittles down to a small bunch of the usual hard-core suspects… low and behold there were 66 swimmers!

And as we have become accustomed to swimming in the low 60’s this summer, the 61F/16C felt quite comfortable.  So imagine how warm 70F will feel tomorrow!  This might be THE Saturday to try a “naked” swim! (ie non-wetsuit… don’t get too excited! haha).

It turns out Dylan lost all the LOST data that he painstakingly went through last summer to try and calculate the average temperature on LOST Beach for every Saturday for the past 14 years!… so I did it yesterday.

Remember when I said that this isn’t a particularly cold summer… well it was a smidge below average… but surprisingly the high and low is actually quite wide.  This year’s average temp was 61F/16C, just a little below the average.

I also tracked the growth in the number of total LOST swimmers over each summer.  I’m a stats guy, so I love these numbers.  As one of the few people that has been here and witnessed the growth, now you can visually see why I am honestly amazed at how much our little club has grown.  And certainly don’t take it for granted.  So thanks for coming out everybody!

Let’s keep it going… for at least one more swim!

