A double negative is a positive…


For example if the water is warm (positive), but it rolls over (negative) and becomes cold… but then rolls over again… it becomes a positive!  Which is what happened this week!

So this has been a weird summer.  It has been the most consistently warm water since I’ve been keeping record… 13 years ago!

Ironically it comes on the heels of last summer… the coldest (water) temp in LOST history, since 2006.

Another part of this pleasantly weird summer is that we only had one very minor roll-over.  Where it went from 72F to 65F.  Big deal.  Barely a blip in the world of Lake O.  Unlike last year on the eve of the LOST Race when it went from 72F to 47F… overnight!

Last Saturday we still had 46 LOSTies out and enjoyed a very comfortable 67F/18C.  However, Darren went out for a swim on Monday and it had rolled over!  To quote Darren: “Dude, it’s cold as balls!”  Which roughly translates to “Hey Rob, I think the Lake rolled over and has suddenly become to cold to swim comfortably”.  Bud said roughly the same thing when he went for a dip at Burlington Beach.

However… it has rolled over, yet again!  This time though, it has rolled from cold to warm!  The Lake is now back up to around 70F/21C!

So… we’ve got another week, at least, of LOST Swimming!  See you tomorrow!

