Winter swimming, GSS Global Champs and LOW Art Auction!!!


Hey LOSTies,

So we made it through another winter… without swimming.  Well sort of…

… unless you were among the few crazies that swam all winter in the Lake!  Yes, I’m looking at you: Chris, Edwin, Loren, Richie, et al… or did a little winter surfing… or if you were a little more sane and kept in shape swimming at the Y or with a Masters club… or if you were lucky enough to get away for a nice warm swim!

100 x 100 on 100, Jan 2, 2017


Either way… summer is coming!  And so is LOST Swimming!  THE FIRST SWIM IS JUNE 3… mark it on your calendar!

First LOST Swim of 2010... 62F... 14 swimmers!
First LOST Swim of 2010… 62F… 14 swimmers!  We’ve come a long way, baby!!!

In the meantime a bunch of us are going to do the GSS Global Championships in Cancun!  That’ll be amazing.  The race is actually called “El Cruce”, a 3k or 10k swim from Cancun to Isla Mujares where you swim right over an underwater museum!  Absolutely incredible.  Sorry if you want to go now, it’s sold out!  I believe the 3k is about 400 people and the 10k is about 500 people… making it the largest 10k in the world!!!

Oh well, there is always next year.

Also check out what our friends at Lake Ontario Waterkeeper have going on.  An art gala and auction!  The gala is long since sold out, but you will still be able to bid on the art, have a look:

See you soon!

