I’m off to Coronation Park!!!


I haven’t heard anything in about an hour… but I’m assuming all is well and we are still on track for… umm, I’m going to say 5:30, but that is still give or take quite a bit. 

One doesn’t want to take anything for granted, lots can still happen, but she’s getting close and hopefully she can keep it going a bit longer!

This will be my last post until after she lands and I get home to let you all know how she did, later this evening!

Hope to see you at Coronation Park tonight to cheer her in… and/or at the LOST Race tomorrow, bright and early! (note the start is at Maple Grove, not where we usually start our swims, which is where we will be finishing!)

In case you miss Mel tonight, she said, short of ending up in the hospital after her swim, she’s going to try and show up at the race, so you can congratulate her then too!




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