Marathon Swimmer Forum…


marathon swimmers forum logoSo I was thinking about trying to add a “forum” on to this website… a place where marathon swimmers could chat about, well… marathon swimming.  But this website wouldn’t support it too well… and besides no need to re-invent the wheel… one already exists!

Last year a couple of guys I know in the marathon swimming world did just what I was thinking of doing, starting a marathon swimmers forum… and guess what they called it… the “Marathon Swimmers Forum”! 

Evan_MorrisonGood work Evan Morrison!… he’s also a pretty knowledgeable guy… he’s one of the top marathon swimmers out there!  Amongst many other things, he won the Tampa Bay Marathon Swim that is in the other post I just put up!

Just click on the logo on the right hand side of this page entitled “Marathon Swimmers Forum” and it will take you there (like all those logos!).  I’ve been a member for a while… it’s a great site and lots of useful and interesting information about races, swims, training, etc. 

So go forth and chat… and tell them you are a LOSTie!

