the mandatory Polar Bear Dip!!!

The Polar Bear Dip… woohoo!!!

Okay folks… this is it… start mustering up your courage… for the Courage Brothers 26th annual and largest Polar Bear Dip in Canada!!!

It’s New Years Day… I know you’re not busy… and it’s the perfect cure for a hangover! (as in, a hangover will be the least of your problems after this!)

I’ve never done it before and am as nervous as you… but let’s just do it!  It’ll be great… the first LOST Swim of the year!!!  It is literally just a little dip and anyone can do it… even you.  People do it in costumes, old or young, big or small… I think we all need to do it with our LOST swim caps on (I’ll bring some extras) to show off the Team!

Here is the link to the website… … but all you really need to know is be at Coronation Park in Oakville, just a few k’s west of where we usually meet, at 2:00 pm!  The festivities go from 12:30 – 3:00… but the dip is at 2:00 pm SHARP!  Just show up… I’ll be there… and hopefully be standing in a crowd of shivering people with yellow swim caps on!!!

Feel free to bring some of your wimpy friends to cheer… and hold your towel… see you there!!!

PS.  it will make swimming in June seem positively tropical… actually check the weather tab… it’s not even that cold… 44F / 7C… oh, no wetsuits though! 😉



Ice Reindeer!
okay... now that's crazy!
so cold you won't even feel the belly-flop!
gettin' psyched!
okay… it’s not quite that cold!
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I founded LOST Swimming because I like open water swimming and would like to see it grow and thrive in Lake Ontario. I started as a competitive swimmer as a kid and ended up getting as far as a silver medal at Nationals and going to the Olympic Trials in 1988. But I retired after that, I was sick of swimming. So I got into running marathons and have run over 35 to date, as well as a few ultra marathons, including the Marathon des Sables (7 day, ultra across the Sahara Desert). I also kind of fell into triathlons and have done a handful of Ironman tri's too. This gradually got me back in the water and in 2006 I took the plunge and attempted swimming the English Channel. I didn't quite make it across, but the circle was now complete and after 17 years I was a swimmer again! Although I still do plenty of pool swimming, I now much prefer open water swimming and like to say that open water swimming is to pool swimming, what trail running is to treadmill running! As a result I hope to encourage more people to join me for a dip in Lake Ontario as often as we can!


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