Olympians invite you to join us for the big reveal of the LOST Plaque… Sat, Aug 21!


We will be revealing the long awaited “LOST Plaque” on Saturday, Aug 21!  So come out and witness the whole event… and get a swim in at the same time if you want!

The LOST Plaque is also a really cool art installation, as local artist, Bert Jackson has created an incredible underwater mural that the plaques will be mounted too!  As well as being an Oakville businessman by owning “Way Cool Tattoos” for the past couple of decades, and being a die-hard LOSTie, Bert is also an artist in a variety of mediums.  He created the statues of the “Moose and Wolves” just up in the Oakville Museum yard near where we swim, as well as the “Polar Bears” at the Oakville Hospital, and the tropical underwater mural at the Oakville YMCA, and countless other paintings, statues and sculptures across the GTA, Canada and the US.  So this should be pretty amazing!

The plaque itself will be made up of 4 listings: LOST History, LOSTies who have swum across Lake Ontario, LOSTies who have done major marathon swims around the world (English Channel, etc), and the winners of the LOST Race!

The following LOSTies have their names etched in stainless steel on the plaque for these significant accomplishments, some several times!  Come out and see which category they are in!  And if you know any of them congratulate them and make sure they are there for the unveiling of the plaque and mural!

Schedule of events:  SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 @ LOST BEACH

  • 7:15 – 7:45, set up for LOST Swimming
  • 7:55, weekly instructions for LOST Swimming
  • 8:00 – 8:45, in the water!
  • 9:00 – short comments and speeches
  • 9:15 – the big reveal of the LOST Plaque and Mural!

We also hope to have a few Olympians there to help with the reveal!  As many of you know, I also am the GM for the professional swim team in the ISL (International Swimming League) and 34 of the 36 swimmers on the Toronto Titans are Olympians from 17 different countries!  Including 9 Canadian Olympians that you probably just watched in Tokyo!

Unfortunately most of my team has already headed over to Naples, Italy to prepare for Season 3 of the ISL which starts in a few days!  (I stayed back just for this and will be heading out on Sunday!).  But here are a few messages from some of the Canadian Olympians/Toronto Titans!