Well it was another perfect night for a Beer Mile! There was 12 brave Beer Miler’s performing for the entertainment of 20-30 spectators… and a good time was had by all!
Here are the results!!! (including past years too!)
You had Al Wiggins taking back his title from Brett Titus, who held it briefly last year. Al now owns the best all-time BM record of 6:48! It only took a 7:10 to win this year for Al, collecting his 4th title in 6 years!
Lambrina held her title for the second year in a row, with a women’s all time best of 9:43! Congrats Lamb!
There was a smaller turn out this year, of 12, however it was also the all time fastest average time too, of 9:48!
As usual, the Beer Runners took the event very seriously… which included a couple of “hula girls”, the Green Lantern, Robin (of Batman fame), a kilt-wearing Scot, Pippi Longstockings, a blue-haired beer chugger and a Slice of Pizza (because everyone loves Pizza and Beer!).
All in all, another example of too much fun… including the celebratory beers at King’s Arms after!
Next stop… the 10th Annual LOST Polar Bear Dip… Jan 1, 2020! Also the 100×100’s (TBD).
See you next year!