“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew

This is quite a stretch of perfect weather!  I don’t recall in the past several years that we’ve had 3 consecutive weeks where the water has been so “uneventful”!  As in: we haven’t had a “roll-over” yet!  So the short answer is: get out here and enjoy the awesome conditions… they won’t last!

Having said that… last week the water was 67F/19C and the air temp is HOT!  That would also explain why we’ve had such great turnouts lately… last Saturday was 82 LOSTies and in the 90’s the week before!  Amazing!

Don’t forget, we now have a 10k LOST Run after the LOST Swim!  We had 12 LOST Runners the first week, and 16 last week… I’m sure it will keep growing too!  The route is set up so you can go shorter too.

Also, come out to the GSS – Canadian Championships at the Toronto Mile!  This will be the first GSS Cdn Champs and the Toronto Triathlon Festival will be hosting it!  TTF is the largest tri festival in Canada and is an incredible event… the Toronto Mile will be too!  Sign up now, the race is Sunday, July 22!
Good to have Mike “the Kayak King” back in the saddle!  He is also the guy in charge of “on water” volunteers.

This from Mike:

“So who exactly is Elizabeth Andrew?” I thought. I had no clue – so of course I Googled her. I found a sum total of exactly 1 article about a volunteer named Elizabeth Andrew. There are hundreds of pages and articles that utilize the quote, but not much about the person it is attributed to; but I think that this describes volunteering better than any quote will – someone that makes a massive impact, with minimal recognition.

Darren is the guy to talk to about “on land” volunteers!
So my job here today is to ask you to be, or find, an Elizabeth Andrew. We need volunteers with the LOST Race. It is run entirely by volunteers – on water and off. There are many jobs to fill. Mauro and I are looking for SUP’ers and Kayakers to help keep the swimmers safe during the LOST Mile and the LOST Race.

Now I realize that 99% of you reading this are swimmers and likely swimming one of the distances. So I ask this of you – find us an Elizabeth Andrew. If you are swimming – ask a friend, family member, basically anyone comfortable on a SUP or in a Kayak if they can help. If you are a swimmer that is not ready for one of the races – hop in and help out – I promise you will get a different perspective on swimmers 😉

… a few more of the great volunteers we had at last year’s race!
Oh – did I mention that there are $10 Tim Horton cards for every Volunteer!  Dontated by… yes, another LOST Volunteer (thanks John Stribany!)
So reach out to me on the LOST Facebook page, by email ([email protected] – that email is just between you and I) or tap my shoulder at LOST on any Saturday morning.

LOST Race & LOST Mile – Volunteer Details:

Saturday, Aug 18, 2018
7:00-11:00 (at most, many jobs are only for an hour or so, before or after the race)
you can swim & volunteer (if you want to swim and volunteer, we will give you a job that will work)
“on water” (setting buoys, kayaker, SUP, etc), contact Mike: [email protected] or at LOST Swimming.
“on land” (registration, finish line, etc), contact Darren: [email protected] or at LOST Swimming.
ages: teenagers and up.  We can sign for high school volunteer hours
all volunteers get a $10 Tim Horton’s card!

Rob, Mike, Mauro and Darren